How to become rich

71 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 59 Minute

12 Money Facts Everybody Should Know in 2022


Video prices: 5 SAR weekly

How much do you really know about the modern-day world of finances? Still clinging to that Econ 101 textbook from college? Whole chapters of it probably are outdated. The world of money is changing at such a rapid pace that even advice and tips from just a few years ago might be out of date. Read on for a quick primer on modern money facts you need to know now. 1. The definition of cryptocurrency 2. How to deposit a check with your phone 3. How to use an e-budget tool 4. How to get cash back if you shop online 5. How to hunt for travel bargains online 6. The ABCs of ETFs 7. Why you might need a 529 account 8. How to run a side hustle 9. How to keep an eye on your credit score 10. How to keep passwords under control 11. How to recognize a phishing email 12. How to stave off social media scams

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