
89 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 41 Minute

Dogecoin Falls Flat


Video prices: 5 SAR weekly

In early trading on Wednesday, Dogecoin was slipping along with the global market cap. Over the past 24 hours, DOGE lost a quarter of a percent, and it’s fallen nearly 17% in the past week. While Dogecoin has managed to trade 1% higher against Bitcoin and a fraction of a percent against Ethereum, the token is largely falling flat even though it’s seemed to gain in popularity. On the strength of enthusiasm from Elon Musk and others, DOGE has gained over 3000% this year, reaching 74 cents in May. Even though the token is faltering, many experts are still bullish News handle, Mishaboar, took to Twitter ($TWTR@US) to settle the nerves of investors, saying DOGE “is at the healthiest it has been in a long time.” The handle went on the tweet that the Dogecoin platform will likely “build and expand.” Billy Markus also made a good point, tweeting, “it’s not a loss if you don’t sell.” At press time, Dogecoin was down nearly 2% at 17.75 cents.

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