
89 Video

duration: 1 Hour and 41 Minute

Why Alibaba Shares Are Rising


Video prices: 5 SAR weekly

Alibaba ($BABA@China) was trading higher Monday after the People's Bank of China announced it will cut reserve requirement ratios next week. The reserve requirement ratio cut from China’s central bank will be the second cut this year. The move aims to support the Chinese economy by injecting liquidity into the system. The People's Bank of China will cut the reserve requirement ratio for major commercial banks by 0.5 percentage points. The cut is expected to release 1.2 trillion yuan or $188 billion worth of long-term liquidity into the banking system. Chinese stocks have been trending lower in recent months. Alibaba operates China's most-visited online marketplaces, including the consumer-to-consumer site Taobao and the business-to-consumer site Tmall. Alibaba has traded as high as $274.29 and as low as $119.34 over a 52-week period. The stock was up about 7% at $120.22 at time of publication.

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