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Does Playing Wordle Make You Smarter


سعر الفيديو: ۵ ریال اسبوعي

Wordle is a five-letter daily puzzle that has taken over social media but does being good at the game make you smarter than others? Psychologists say being good at Wordle doesn’t make you smarter than others. Being good at the game just means that you have a high “need for cognition” which is different from intelligence. Psychology professor Penny Pexman says being a good Wordle doesn't mean you’re smart it’s just something you enjoy doing. Using strategies to solve Wordle takes the pressure off of your attention and memory processes. This could potentially lessen the game’s possible benefits. So far, experts say there’s no evidence to suggest that Wordle could keep your brain from aging. My general advice is to pick a brain activity that provides a challenge. Then when you start feeling like you're really good at it, pick another activity that gives you a new challenge, Aaron Seitz, Professor of Psychology at the University of California.

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