
۶۸ الفيديو

مدة الدورة: ۳ ساعة و ۵۴ دقائق

Here’s What Your Snack Preference Says About You


سعر الفيديو: ۵ ریال اسبوعي

A recent study has found that your snack choice can say a lot about your personality. A survey of ۲,۰۰۰ Americans revealed the differences between those who like sweet snacks and those who like savory. People who enjoy sweet treats are more likely to eat snacks while hanging out with friends or during a game night. They are also ۲۰% more likely to share their snacks with friends. Those who like savory snacks are more likely to save their snacks for more intimate activities, like going on a date. Savory snackers also tend to prefer science-fiction movies and documentary TV shows. The survey found that people with a sweet tooth are more likely to be creative, adventurous and organized

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